
Life at 6400 ISO

I continue to be blown away by the Nikon D700 with the 6400 ISO capabilities to shoot in low light. It has opened up a whole new set of images that I could not dream of doing before with a digital camera.

Here is an image of my assistant Lara that I shot at a wedding this weekend:

Photo by Jay Bryant

Reflections on Turning 50

I’ve hit another big milestone in my life today turning 50. For the last month I’ve been reflecting on my life and what wisdom I would share on this special day. More than ever, I’m now being sought out to give advice and share my experiences.

Many of my values that define me where shaped by growing up in Nebraska. I lived in an idyllic setting much like fictional town of Lake Wobegon made famous in the radio show Prairie Home Companion. Living on the edge of the prairie gave me a set of unique experiences that have propelled me through my life.

My wife Gina and daughters have also impacted my life with their un-ending love and support. My daughters have always inspired me to step back and take a look at things through a different un-filtered view.

My mother influenced me with her artistic skills and sense of humor. And my father instilled into me skills to be a life long learner.

Some phrases that have stuck with me over the years:

“You never make it unless you deal with the person at the top” This was advice that my neighbor Mrs. McLaughlin would always tell us growing up with her very heavy Boston accent. McLaughlin was a very formal lady that always wore white gloves. She was very successful as a businesswoman and owned about half the real estate in our downtown area.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This was the Golden Rule that my grandfather Geddes would always quote to me. He was a mortician and always had to deal with people at the time of their deepest sorrows in life.

“No matter what happens…people will always eat” Was advice from my grandmother to hold unto ConAgra stock that has been in the family for 4 generations.

I’ve always set significant goals than define each decade of my professional life. At age 20 I got a lucky break and had already worked at the White House as a photographer. I was challenged by a mentor to put myself on the map at a major national newspaper, so I ended up at the Orange County (CA) Register as an editor when I was 31. When I hit 40, I was a Vice President of an Internet company.

Now I’m in the position to help provide people the tools and the strategy to move into the digital age that is rapidly changing our lives and economy.

I end with one of my favorite quotes from the martyred Lutheran Minster Dietrich Bonhoeffer:

“By the time you have grown up, the old country parsonage and the old
town villa will belong to a vanished world. But the old spirit, after
a time of misunderstanding and weakness, withdrawal and recovery,
preservation and rehabilitation, will produce new forms. To be deeply
rooted in the soil of the past makes life harder, but it also makes it
richer and more vigorous. There are in human life certain fundamental
truths to which men will always return sooner or later; we have to be
able to wait.”

Spring is here!!

Spring Flowers - Photo by Jay Bryant

Our dogwood tree in full bloom!

And here is a photo of Day 1 of my garden this year.  I planted:

12 tomato plants (5 varieties), green beans, snap peas, zucchini, cucumbers,  peppers,  rosemary, cilantro, basil. I’ve still got some room left in the garden..but will leave it for the cucumbers to take over.

my garden photo by Jay Bryant

Shopping for prom dresses with Emma

We went shopping at David’s Bridal in Freehold today for Emma’s prom dress.

photo by Jay Bryant

This was the dress she picked out.

photo by Jay Bryant

This was a cute red dress

photo by Jay Bryant

This was my favorite on her….but as you can tell by her face, she didn’t like it.

photo by Jay Bryant

This was a cute dress–but really huge on Emma.

My station on Last.fm — Enjoy

Photos from my parents wedding…


The photographer who shot my parents wedding for their 50th anniversary mailed them back the 4×5 negatives.  He shot 30 shots with with a 4×5 camera.  Quite a difference from today…where I’ll shoot 800-900 images at a wedding.  I’ve got a new scanner that scans in large negatives, so I am going to be scanning in the negatives during the long winter.