My support for Chris Daggett

Photo by Jay Bryant

I spent all day Friday riding on Chris Daggett’s campaign bus through Southern and Central New Jersey to document his campaign with pictures and video. The photos can be found here:

(Full disclosure: I was invited by the campaign and got 2 t-shirts, a side order of corn-beef hash, 2 pieces of tomato pie and a bag of pretzels)

I was impressed with:

Daggett’s drive and determination to make a difference in this state

Taking the time to listen and interact with the people he met during the day. Most politicians I’ve been with just shake hands and move on.

The incredible support that he has from his wife and daughters out on the campaign trail with him all day long.

I was drawn to Daggett by the endorsement of the Newark Star Ledger which said:

“The newspaper’s decision is less a rejection of Gov. Jon Corzine and Republican Chris Christie than a repudiation of the parties they represent, both of which have forfeited any claim to the trust and confidence of the people of New Jersey. They share responsibility for the state’s current plight.”

And today the Star-Ledger added:

“Indeed, it’s more critical function is to send those who govern in Trenton a clear signal that they’ve gone badly wrong, that radical reform is needed.

A vote for Corzine or Christie won’t do that. Only by sending Chris Daggett to Trenton will voters make it clear that the era of wretched excess and irresponsible spending in Trenton must end — now.”

My final words are those that Chris Daggett tells everyone:

“It is never wrong to vote for the right person.”

Chris Daggett is my choice for the next Governor of New Jersey.