I had great weather this weekend for Marie and Nick’s wedding over in Philly. Here are some of the photos:
And one last shot of me with the Bride:
I spent Saturday up in the Poconos at the Stroudsmoor County Inn (A great venue) photographing Jennifer and Justin’s wedding. Despite having to move ceremony inside because of the rain..it finally cleared off.
I’m falling in love with my new Nikon D700…it really can do some incredible images at 6400 ISO that were never possible before:
I had a great day with Caitland and Jerry on Saturday photographing their wedding. The ceremony was at Villinova and then we went to shoot photos at Valley Forge National Park. Props to this couple for having a decent schedule for their wedding day that allowed for time to do some great portraits–it makes all the difference for creating a great album.
I love this shot of them reacting after saying their vows and exchanging rings:
This is my homage to the Wyeth painting “Christina’s World”
And my ending shot of me with the bride: